Olympic Yacht Show 2024 will feature 130 boats on display and 400 luxury brands

17/09/2024 - 21:03 in Service by Olympic Yacht Show

The annual yachting meeting held for the fourth year between October 10-13 at Olympic Marine, in Lavrio, summons the protagonists of yachting from Greece and abroad and literally spurs the yachting market, enhancing its dynamics.

This year, shipyards, dealers and other yachting companies from Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Latvia (Riginos, Technohul, Omikron, Rafnar Hellas, Best Boats Only, Moss Yacht, Glacier Yachts, EKKA Yachts, Atalanta Yachts, etc) have already secured a place at the 4th Olympic Yacht Show, both on land and in the floating part of the exhibition. In total, there will be 130 boats on display and 400 luxury brands and companies will take part in the show.

All that proves that the well-established show of Greek yachting is now a strong link that connects our country with the rest of the world, but also an efficient and fruitful think tank for yachting professionals and owners alike.

OYS’s international calibre is further enhanced by European and world premieres held every year at the Show, attracting the keen interest of the world of yachting.

Having established itself on the international map of major yachting events, OYS boasts a special mention on the calendars of acclaimed sites and already stands out as the only event in Greece that focuses on the medium and large yacht category, highlighting the new models for sale that belong to the premium category.

Just like in previous events, the largest companies in the sector are bound to make their presence felt in the elegant and well-designed grounds of Olympic Marine, while a special space has been prepared for the Luxury Ribs and Luxury Day Cruisers.

For the second consecutive year, EKO supports the Olympic Yacht Show 2024 as the major sponsor, supporting the most successful and most acclaimed in-water show in Greece. The long-awaited rendezvous of the Greek yachting world is expected to be even more innovative and diverse and bigger than ever.

Having won the full support of the state for the fourth consecutive year, the Olympic Yacht Show 2024 is under the auspices of the Ministry of Shipping and Island Policy, the Ministry of Tourism, the GNTO, the Prefecture of Attica, the Hellenic Chamber of Shipping, the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Greek Marinas Association, the Piraeus Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Municipality of Lavreotiki.

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