The twelve-strong international fleet of Flying Phantoms ready to descend upon Qingdao

19/08/2019 - 17:53 in Sport by Extreme Sailing Series

- Starting on Sunday, the twelve-strong international fleet of Flying Phantoms will descend upon Qingdao, China, for the first time in history to participate in the first ever Qingdao Mazarin Cup powered by Extreme Sailing Series™, from 30 September - 3 October

- Rights free TV News Content available to broadcasters including VNRs and interviews at the start and end of the competition

Representing six nations: China, Hong Kong, France, New Zealand, Germany and Spain, the super fast foiling fleet will fly around Fushan Bay at speeds of up to 31 knots, competing on short courses with up to eight races each day.

Ready to race off the Qingdao start line are numerous sailing stars, many fresh from the recent five-Act Flying Phantom Series that concluded in Cardiff in August as part of the 2018 Extreme Sailing Series. Having won the final Act of the Series, New Zealand's Micah Wilkinson, crew for Hamilton Huas, and Tokyo 2020 Olympic hopeful, is looking to take the waters of Fushan Bay by storm.

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