Absolute Yachts: an absolute source of inspiration all over the Europe

09/11/2018 - 12:36 in Service by Absolute Yachts

Our Country can be proud of another prestigious recognition assigned to Absolute Yachts from the London Stock Exchange Group, the company that supervises both London Stock Exchange and Italy Stock Exchange. 
The well-known company based in Piacenza, spokesman of the Made in Italy , has been considered among the “1000 Companies to Inspire Europe”, in the third edition of the report focused on the small and medium-sized enterprises not listed on the stock exchange. 
A result achieved thanks to the dynamism , spirit of innovation and growth rate , also in terms of employment, for which Absolute keeps standing out from the crowd.  A major demonstration of how the competitiveness in the nautical, craft and engineering industry is livelier in Italy, thanks to Absolute, a business world source of inspiration and role model for the EU economy. 
This raises great satisfaction and gratification for the Absolute team, more and more cohesive, that keeps becoming stronger, to achieve a great joint result, feeling working for a worthwhile project and for a collective goal. This predisposition has led to an incremental growth that over the years does not seem to have been slowed down, considering each success as an incentive to long for new goals. In addition to the awards gained for the products’ quality and design, Absolute has achieved several international recognitions as a company. 
Just in 2018, Absolute has in fact counted different mentions: in January “Export2-Succeed” as export leader (acknowledgment organized by UPS and L’Imprenditore of Piccola Industria di Confindustria); and in April among the “500 Champions” of the growth in Italy (report promoted by the “Corriere della Sera” magazine together with “ItalyPost” company). 
Italy can be only proud of Absolute, which has become now more than ever an “absolute” source of inspiration thanks to its perseverance. 

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