Ferruccio Rossi appointed CEO of the newly established Sanlorenzo Monaco Group

13/05/2024 - 11:27 in Service by Sanlorenzo

In line with the statement released on 8 April 2024, and subsequently supplemented on 26 April 2024, the Company announces that Ferruccio Rossi has been appointed CEO of the European foreign commercial companies of the Sanlorenzo Group.

The agreement also envisages Ferruccio Rossi's entry into the share capital of the same, with a minority stake, subject to approval at the upcoming Sanlorenzo’s Shareholders’ Meeting, scheduled for June. Concurrently with this new agreement and in coherence with its logic, Ferruccio Rossi has today resigned from the Board of Directors of Sanlorenzo S.p.A. In his new role based in the Principality of Monaco, Ferruccio Rossi will lead Sanlorenzo's commercial development in the Principality, France and Spain through the Sanlorenzo Monaco Group, with offices today located in Monaco, Cannes and Palma through the following companies:

• Sanlorenzo Monaco SAM;
• Sanlorenzo Côte d'Azur SAS;
• Sanlorenzo Baleari SL.

Mr. Massimo Perotti, Chairman and CEO of the Sanlorenzo Group, commented: «This agreement is part of the broader strategy of direct distribution of the Sanlorenzo brand in the key markets of the Group, a strategy that has recently taken shape in the Asia Pacific with the acquisition of Simpson Marine Group and which has been presiding over the American market for years through the Sanlorenzo of the Americas team. Sanlorenzo once again confirms itself as the First Mover, within the yachting industry, in the implementation of customer-centric strategies, in the places where our products are used».

Ferruccio Rossi commented: «I am proud and grateful that Mr. Perotti has chosen to entrust me and the Sanlorenzo Monaco Group team, made up of excellent professionals, with the commercial development of some of the most iconic territories in the nautical world, with a completely innovative approach of direct brand presence, analogous to what has been happening for some time in the High-End segment».

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