Luna Rossa passes the series and will face American Magic in the match race final

24/09/2024 - 19:28 in Sport by Luna Rossa

Today Luna Rossa closed three races in second place and one in first, securing the team’s spot in the match race final, which will determine the winner of the UniCredit Youth America's Cup. The conditions were ideal for the six teams engaged in the UYAC semi-finals, with a S/SW wind of about 12 knots that increased throughout the afternoon. The tension among competitors was evident, as this was the day that would determine the two finalist teams. The crews fought fiercely, with close crossings and multiple penalties assigned by the umpires.

Luna Rossa passes the series and will face American Magic in the match race final

RACE #01
After a strong start, Luna Rossa tackled the first part of the upwind leg powerfully and aggressively within the leading group, but two consecutive penalties dropped them to fourth place. Sailing well in today's unstable wind conditions, the Italian crew paid off their penalties and recovered some positions, especially at the last gate, rounding inside and ahead of the Spanish team. In the final stretch, Luna Rossa fought to close the gap and managed to finish the race in second place. 
Luna Rossa: 2nd place (+7 points).

 RACE #02
The weather conditions shifted during the second match, with a 16-knot breeze from SW. Luna Rossa approached the start on port tack and crossed behind the entire fleet, with a clear path to head to the far right of the course. The strategy paid off, as the Italian boat extended and rounded the mark in second place, just 2 seconds behind the U.S. team. The rest of the race had Luna Rossa engaging in a match with the American boat, with constant lead changes and minimal deltas at each gate. The closeness between the two boats was confirmed by the final result, with Luna Rossa coming in second, just 3 seconds behind. 
Luna Rossa:  2nd place (+7 points).

 RACE #03
Starting in the middle of the fleet, Luna Rossa assigned two penalties right away to the Australian team and sailed the first upwind leg on the right side of the course. The Italian boat stayed in front of the leading group, consisting of the British and American teams, but by a narrow margin. The boats were so close that Luna Rossa and Athena GBR rounded the first mark at the same time. Thanks to flawless sailing the crew, led by Marco Gradoni and Gianluigi Ugolini succeeded in keeping the lead for the rest of the race. With sound tactics and clean, fast maneuvers, the team took its well-deserved win. 
Luna Rossa: 1st place (+10 points).

 RACE #04 
In the last race of the day the wind increased and the sea state got rougher. After receiving a penalty at the start, Luna Rossa headed to the far right of the course and tried to close the gap with the leading group, rounding the first mark fourth. On the downwind leg the conditions in the choppy waves became increasingly challenging, but at the next gate the team gained another position, rounding gate 3 in second place. From that point Luna Rossa sailed carefully and consistently for the rest of the race, closed in second place.
Luna Rossa: 2nd place (+ 7 points).

The Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli crew featured: Marco Gradoni and Gianluigi Ugolini (helmsmen), Federico Colaninno e Rocco Falcone (trimmer).

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