Star Eastern Hemisphere Championship Day Two

Star Eastern Hemisphere Championship Day Two

Diego Negri and Sergio Lambertenghi hold on to top of the ranking


30/04/2022 - 07:03

The Star Eastern Hemisphere Championship 2022 is in full swing. A day of great challenges in the Gulf of Naples, among broken masts, technical issues and many protests. To tame the gale and win the third race of the event, the first scheduled today, was the World Champion Diego Negri with Sergio Lambertenghi (ITA), at the end of a very tight race, in which Piet Eckert and Frederico Melo (SUI) finished second and Marin Misura and Tonko Barac (CRO) were third.

The Croatians went on to win race four ahead of two German teams, former Class President Hubert Merkelbach with Kilian Weise and Daniel Fritz with Alberto Ambrosini.

A difficult day for the recently crowned Italian Champions, Enrico Chieffi and Ferdinando Colaninno (ITA), who put together a sixth and a fourth, slipping from second to third spot in the overall ranking, led by Negri/Lambertenghi ahead of Misura/Barac.

The fifth and sixth race of the 2022 Star Eastern World Championship are scheduled for tomorrow, April 30th at 12, introduced by the daily weather briefing provided by the Department of Science and Technology of the University of Naples Parthenope. The event is organized by RYCC Savoia, International Star Class Yachting Racing Association and Flotta di Capri, in collaboration with Sezione Velica Marina Militare Napoli, Circolo Remo e Vela Italia and Circolo Canottieri Napoli and under the patronage of Federazione Italiana Vela, Comune di Napoli and Coni Campania.

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