Leandro and Lucas Altolaguirre win the Star South American Championship

Leandro and Lucas Altolaguirre win the Star South American Championship

Leandro and Lucas Altolaguirre win the Star South American Championship


12/12/2022 - 08:05

The 2022 Star South American Championship, organized by the Yacht Club Argentino at the Dársena Norte, in Buenos Aires, ended today in a truly festive and competitive atmosphere for the 25-boat fleet and the 50 sailors who came here from around the world. Two races were sailed on the last day, thus completing the seven scheduled for the Championship. The sun and a north-westerly breeze of 15 knots with gusts to 20 towards the end, made this last day memorable for everyone.

The first race of the day was won by Fabian Mac Gowan and Mauricio Bueno (ARG), followed by Mario Sergio de Jesus with Pedro Trouche (BRA) and in third Alberto Zanetti and Edoardo Natucci (ARG/ITA). The last race of the championship, second of the day, went to the Italian/German team Giovanni Coppo and Frithjof Kleen, in second Torken Borgstrom and Juan Pablo Engelhard and third Daniel Della Torre and Guillermo Latour (ARG).

"We're very happy, we had better and better results during the week, we had a chartered boat and we've started to know her better as the days went by", commented two-time Star World Champion and Olympian Frithjof Kleen, crew of Giovanni Coppo. "Everybody was super helpful and of great company, the yacht club did a great job as did the Race Committee, the Argentinian hospitality is fantastic, we felt super welcome, and we are very happy we came. On the sport side, I think that now we would be ready to start the championship because we have figured everything out. Our preparation here was too short, but we are looking forward to more racing down here".

Leandro and Lucas Altolaguirre (ARG) did not need to sail race seven, as they had secured the title after a fourth in race six. The Buenos Aires born brothers had an awesome week, with great consistency and very few, if none, mistakes. The 2022 Star South American title goes to them with the silver star they can now sport on their mainsail.

"We closed the championship with a very windy day, between 15 and 18 knots with waves, and everyone was out racing. Four of us could have won the championship, even though we were leading, with my brother Leandro we calculated that if we finished in the top five in the first race we would have won and so it was and we are really, super happy", said the winner Lucas Altolaguirre. "The race was very close, Mac Gowan and Bueno, with Borgstrom and Engelhard and Juninho with Pedro Trouche were, with us, the fastest teams. The second race was also very tight, as the second and third place of the championship were still at stake. We were happy to be just spectators there.
It has been a fantastic championship, a great organization from the Yacht Club Argentino, perfect after racing parties, and on the water impeccable management for the whole championship. Everyone was very happy and wants to come back to race here in the 18th District in Argentina. I am very happy".

In second place overall we have Mario Sergio de Jesus Jr & Pedro Trouche, in third Fabian Mac Gowan & Mauricio Bueno, also winner of the Master's title, fourth overall are Marcelo Fuchs & Arthur Lopes, best Grand Master's, fifth place for Daniel Della Torre & Guillermo Latour. The best Exalted Grand Master's is Memo Calegari with Nassim Iusef and the Junion's Division was won by Mariano Cambon and Martin Costa.

At the end of the races, all the Star Class competitors were invited to the main building of the Yacht Club Argentino to attend the prize giving ceremony and then to a reception to close the championship, that has been very appreciated by everyone involved.

The 2022 Star South American Championship in Buenos Aires was the last silver event of 2022, now on to 2023 with the Worlds back in Italy in September, but way before that, in March the 96th Bacardi Cup in Miami, Florida.

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