The Valencia Boat Show

The Valencia Boat Show

The Valencia Boat Show renews its team confirming 40% of exhibitors


06/12/2019 - 17:36

- The Valencia Boat Show will be held from the 28th of October to the 1st of November in La Marina de València.
- 40% of 2019 exhibitors have already confirmed their presence in 2020.

The organising team of the Valencia Boat Show, directed by Nacho Gómez – Zarzuela, will continue at the helm of the event in its 2020 edition, which will be held from the 28th of October to the 1st of November in La Marina de València, as confirmed yesterday by the of the Union de Empresas Náuticas the organising body of the event.

The success of 2019, with over 22.000 visitors during the five days of the show and 10.000 attendees to the concerts celebrating the anniversary of La Marina de València, together with the large number of operations underway or already closed by exhibitors, have been the best seal of approval for the event, which in its 11th edition held this November, made a strategic shift to commit to combining the professional space for exhibition and sale of boats, engines, accessories and marine services and an open area with free access to the public with a wide offer of activities related to the sea.

The Valencia Boat Show
The Valencia Boat Show

Another point of value of the Valencian exhibition is without doubt the involvement of Feria Valencia as strategic partner, contributing its extensive experience and know-how in organising events.

“Now we can say that we have achieved our goal. A year ago, we made a renewed commitment in the world of boat shows that has turned out to be a success. We are already working on the new features for 2020; I already said a few months ago that this year was going to be a real upsurge for the Valencia Boat Show. I am very grateful to the organisers for renewing their confidence in my entire team.” Said Nacho Gómez – Zarzuela, director of the Valencia Boat Show.

“From the Unión de Empresas Náuticas, we are very proud of the work done this last edition and, of course, of the results achieved. The nautical sector has been represented in all its splendour and Valencia has demonstrated its great potential, both for the unquestionable quality of its industrial structure and its attractiveness as a nautical destination. As the employers association of the sector, we are going to continue working along these lines, placing Valencia and the Valencia Boat Show on the national and international podium,” said Isabel Gil, president of the Unión de Empresas Náuticas (UEN).

“This year, several factors have been key to the success of the Valencia Boat Show, such as having a professional management, and joining the show and the Anniversary of the Marina. I want to thank all the exhibitors, the suppliers, Fira València, the media and the public who visited for trusting our show,” said the general director of Consorcio Valencia 2007, Vicent Llorens, who added “we are already working towards completely rehabilitating the Tinglado 2, expand the marine 4.0 offer with more exhibitors, product presentations and conferences as well as activities revolving around nautical tourism, improving the connection between the entrance and the gastronomic area, the times of the talks and round tables and the film screenings.”

The Valencia Boat Show
The Valencia Boat Show

40% of exhibitors confirmed
Following the closing of the doors of the event and in a survey carried out, 95% of the exhibitors reported they were satisfied with the results of the event and more than 40% already confirmed their presence for 2020. “We have noticed that clients are coming to buy. Operations have been closed so we are very happy,” said Antonio Gadea, head of Sport Nautic, official distributor of Bénéteau Group on the last day of the show. “This year, the quantity and quality of clients in terms of buying intention has been significantly higher. We have been able to close deals with clients captured here and we leave with many contacts to work with in the coming weeks, so we are very satisfied,” said Juan Manuel Endrino, head of Nautica AZA, official distributor of Jeanneau and Prestige Yachts.

New features for 2020
Amongst the new features of the Valencia Boat Show 2020 there will be a specific section dedicated to fishing, with a specialised event as part of the Valencia Boat Show and dedicated to this sport in all its aspects. The commitment to multihulls will also grow in next year’s edition of the show, with a specific area showcasing the latest models of catamarans from the leading brands.

Another of the objectives for the Valencia Boat Show in its next edition is to introduce competitive sailing, and thus become a hub of innovation and development of initiatives related to large regattas. La Marina de València has cutting-edge companies of international prestige that could become campions of this section that aims to bring together the main stakeholders in national and international competitions.

Finally, the Valencia Boat Show will once again focus on nautical tourism and the promotion of the city and the Valencian Community as a destination par excellence for practicing water sports at any time of year. 


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