ORC Mediterranean Championship - Campionato Nazionale del Tirreno © Rolex / Studio Borlenghi
Tre Golfi Sailing Week: appointment for 2023
With the Maxi European Championship concluded yesterday, today's final day of the Tre Golfi Sailing Week presented almost perfect conditions. The sea breeze from west-northwest was already blowing at around 8-10 knots at midday, reaching 12-13 knots in the afternoon.
Racing for the ORC fleet was therefore fast and spectacular on their third day, with three separate departures set on windward-leeward courses. The Racing group completed a single race after their first start was cancelled.
"We pushed for the start" commented Francesco Coraggio, President of the Race Committee, "but the wind had not spread perfectly and so I considered it right to cancel the start for the largest boats, who would otherwise have been penalised by our error."
Classes A, B, C and D completed two races, with a breeze that initially rotated to the left for the first starts, favouring the pin end, and then moved towards the right. A fresh and pleasant wind that made for impressive racing, with the fleets sailing close together and the boats closely grouped, as well as some thrilling finishes, with five or six boats crossing the line neck and neck.
As always the upwind leg was slightly shorter for the smaller classes (C and D), creating even more thrills when they were joined by the larger boats of divisions A and B at the downwind gate.
At the conclusion of today's racing the teams returned to the docks for the awards ceremony of the ORC Mediterranean Championship in combination with the 67th Tre Golfi Regatta, and the National Tyrrhenian Championship.
Victory in the Tre Golfi Sailing Week went to the TP 52 XIO, owned by Marco Serafini, who also took the top spot in the ORC Mediterranean Championship, followed by Roberto Monti's Blue and Mela, owned by Andrea Rossi.
In the Racing division, grouping together the smaller competitors, Sugar 3, owned by Estonia's Ott Kikkas, took the overall win, while in the Cruising Classes 1 and 2 the winners were respectively Ars Una, owned by Anton Giulio Cafaro and Concetto Costa's Squalo Bianco.
Here the results.
The success of this Tre Golfi Sailing Week can be measured in the faces of the sailors here, happy to have finally completed a day of racing in brisk winds, but also delighted with the atmosphere of the entire event and the discovery of a region that until now had not traditionally been included in the competitive sailing circuit. Everyone emphasised the wonderful welcome from the people of Sorrento and the hospitality extended to the participants.
The 2023 date
The appointment is now for next year and the dates have already been set: 13-20 May 2023
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