Laser Class regatta

Laser Class regatta

FIV vs Assolaser: the italian controversy


07/04/2020 - 18:24

A meeting between FIV (President Ettorre) and ILCA (Executive Secretary Emeritus Jeff Martin) was held today at the headquarters of the Italian Sailing Federation in Genoa to define the situation of the Laser class in Italy. AICL and Assolaser were also invited to the meeting.
AICL participated while no one showed up for Assolaser.

It has been noted that Assolaser, in addition to not presenting itself at the meeting, has called for the 17th December 2017 the Annual General Meeting concerning, inter alia, the election of the Board of Directors without putting on the agenda the discussion and the approval of the new statute, agreed with FIV. Realized the clear absence of will in Assolaser to put an end to the problems of Italian laser sailors, FIV has decided to envisage as the only solution that is ILCA to intervene directly, implementing the disclaimer of Assolaser and the recognition of AICL as the new District Association in Italy.

Aware that this path will take time, FIV has also requested that ILCA proceed from 1 January 2018 to the direct registration of Italian laser sailors, through FIV, against the payment of the only fee due to the international class, subject what already agreed about the entries of Italian athletes to international events. The Executive Secretary Emeritus of ILCA Mr. Jeff Martin has reserved to give an answer within a few days.

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