Peter Isler - sailor working online during the pandemic

Peter Isler - sailor working online during the pandemic

Peter Isler - sailor working online during the pandemic


09/04/2020 - 15:03

2x America’s Cup winner, Emmy award winning broadcaster, and best selling author, Peter Isler is working hard to share his broad expertise during the Covid 19 pandemic.  He is currently hosting a series of webinars for the American Sailing Association (ASA) and is preparing his new venture: Peter Isler’s Academy of Sailing Secrets for debut later this month.

Throughout his career, Isler has been well known and respected not just as a world class sailor in a wide number of competitive disciplines including: America’s Cup,  offshore, match racing,  Olympic & dinghy racing, but he’s also focused on sharing his love and knowledge for the sport since his days college sailing as an All American for the Yale Sailing team.  A gifted educator, Isler has devoted his career to giving back to the sport that he loves – through his lectures, writing (books & magazines), seminars, webinars, and through his involvement with the American Sailing Association – which he co-founded and where he serves as the director of the ASA’s Education Committee.

Isler’s latest book - “Let’s Go Sailing” - a manual for learning to sail in small boats, was just published by the ASA earlier this year, and he is the co-author (with JJ Isler) of the best seller “Sailing For Dummies” - which has been translated into over a dozen languages. His popular “Peter Isler’s Little Blue Book of Sailing Secrets” provided the inspiration for the name of his new venture – Peter Isler’s Academy of Sailing Secrets – which will debut later this month. 

Here’s some of Peter’s offerings that are currently available:

ASA Webinar Series – A series of one hour webinars hosted by Peter on a variety of topics.

In his “Marine Weather 101” and “Marine Weather in the Smartphone Era”, Isler shares his knowledge and interest in meteorology – his course of study at Yale. 

In his “Sailing Safety – A Personal Perspective” webinar, Isler recounts some harrowing and tragic personal experiences (including the Rambler100 capsize during the Fastnet Race) and shares the lessons he learned and his philosophy about sailing safety.

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