Emirates Team New Zealand

Emirates Team New Zealand

America's Cup World Series - Update on Emirates at Portsmouth Event


13/03/2020 - 10:03

Origin Sports Group who, in conjunction with the America’s Cup Defender Emirates Team New Zealand, are the organisers of ACWS Portsmouth today advised that event planning is well on track for the event being hosted June 4-7.

The organisers are highly conscious of the situation in many countries regarding the effect that COVID-19/Coronavirus is having on both sporting and public events, however are encouraged by the statement issued by the UK Government Department of Culture, Media and Sport saying there is ‘no rationale’ to postponing sporting events in Britain and that they are unlikely to be affected by coronavirus in the immediate future.

Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden said that the advice is based on the current guidance issued by medical experts.“I do want to emphasise in relation to sporting events any talk of cancellation is very premature indeed. At the moment there is no evidence to suggest we should be doing that and we don’t have any plans to.” he said.

Planning for the ACWS Portsmouth event is well advanced and as a result of the latest round of proactive discussion, advice and information received from UK authorities, Leslie Ryan Event Director of ACWS Portsmouth has confidence for the event in Portsmouth.

“Obviously we are closely following all advice and recommendations on a day to day basis which as of today means we continue to be full steam ahead planning for what will be an amazing event of four days of high performance AC75 racing action close to shore. Ticket sales have been incredible and are selling fast. We will continue to issue updates as time moves forward.”

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