Óscar Celada (left) and Emerico Fuster (right). © Nico Martínez/Copa del Rey MAPFRE

Óscar Celada (left) and Emerico Fuster (right). © Nico Martínez/Copa del Rey MAPFRE

Start gun for the 40th edition of the Copa del Rey MAPFRE


29/07/2022 - 18:43

On Friday 29th July the Sala Magna at the Real Club Náutico de Palma hosted the opening ceremony of the Copa del Rey MAPFRE with an act which has served as the start gun to the 40th edition of the event. The event will last for eight days (six of competition) with over one hundred teams and approximately twenty nationalities who will battle for the title on the Bay of Palma in each of the participating categories.

Attendees included the President of the Real Club Náutico de Palma, Emerico Fuster; Óscar Celada, Regional Director of MAPFRE for the Baleares; Fina Santiago, Social affairs and sports Councillor for the Balearic Islands regional government and Carles Gonyalons, General Director for sports; Jorge Nasarre López, Director of the Baleares Port Authority; Commander Núñez de Prado, head of the Baleares Naval Sector; Francisco Ducrós, sports councillor for Palma Town Hall; and Jorge Forteza, Commodore for the Real Club Náutico de Palma.

Manuel Fraga, the regatta director, was responsible for opening the act, unveiling the sporting details of this 40th edition of the Copa del Rey MAPFRE,

"This year the fleet will be divided into nine categories. Four will compete in compensated time and the remaining five in real time. We will have three distinct race areas for the purpose, all situated within our wonderful Bay of Palma, and whilst awaiting completion of the final registrations, we will once again be hosting an extremely international competition with twenty nationalities represented among over 110 teams.

Emerico Fuster began his presentation by claiming,

"The opening event of the Copa del Rey MAPFRE this year has a special significance. Firstly, it is the 40th edition, and moreover, we are celebrating in excellent health, and with the unconditional support of institutions and sponsors; without whom it would be impossible to organize such a great event. It is also special because it allows us to demonstrate to both the public and to the institutions the great importance of the Real Club Náutico de Palma, a social heritage in Mallorca, which since 1948 has been committed to promoting the sport and organizing exemplary regattas.

I would like to make the most of this occasion to also extend my thanks to the support and affection we have always received from the Royal Family and the Spanish Navy's Naval Commission of Regattas, to whom we will be offering a well-deserved homage within the events of the 40th anniversary. We would like to invite you all on Sunday to attend the presentation of a commemorative book which compiles the major milestones in the history of the regatta. The club is 74 years old, and we also celebrate 40 years of the Copa del Rey MAPFRE. We are an important part of this region's maritime heritage and hope to remain here many years to come, and with your help to continue writing more of this incredibly exciting story," explained the President of the RCNP.

The act was concluded by Óscar Celada, the director general for MAPFRE in the Baleares region who wished to emphasise,

"Once again, we are more excited than ever, (if that is possible), to be opening another edition of our Copa del Rey MAPFRE, a sustainable event, respectful to the environment and committed to equality; intrinsic values and part of the MAPFRE DNA. The entire MAPFRE family are extremely proud to sponsor the competition and are convinced that this year will be a huge success, which will once again see the Bay of Palma as the very best showcase for the event."

Saturday officially sees the beginning of the event with the first day of registrations and measurements, and on Monday 1st August the fleet will take to the water for the first time on the Bay of Palma.

The 40th Copa del Rey MAPFRE will be held from 30th July to 6th August in the Bay of Palma. It is organized by the Real Club Náutico de Palma and the Real Federación Española de Vela (lit. Spanish Royal Sailing Federation) and sponsored by MAPFRE, with the institutional collaboration of the Govern de les Illes Balears (Balearic Islands government), the Ayuntamiento de Palma (Palma Town Hall), the Autoritat Portuaria de Balears (Balearic Islands Port Authority) and the Federación Balear de Vela (Balearic Islands Sailing Federation).

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