The Vendée port of Les Sables d'Olonne - now a world centre for single-handed sailing

The Vendée port of Les Sables d'Olonne - now a world centre for single-handed sailing

Les Sables d’Olonne to host 2022 Golden Globe Race


18/10/2019 - 09:50

Following the success of the 2018 Golden Globe Race, the Vendée  City of Les Sables d'Olonne and its 3-town Agglomeration  have voted unanimously to host the next Golden Globe Race in 2022. At a meeting on July 5, the City’s leaders also took out options to repeat the event in 2026 and 2030. The next start is scheduled for Sept 4th 2022 preceded by a two week Race Village in the Vendée  Globe Marina to celebrate the history of singlehanded sailing.

The Race will once again be run under the auspices of the Royal Nomuka Yacht Club in Tonga.
Don McIntyre, the Australian Race Founder and head of the Race Organisation Ocean Frontiers PTY Ltd said today: “We are truly excited about this on-going relationship. The support given by the Les Sables d'Olonne Agglomeration during the 2018/19 Race was strong, professional and based on trust - the perfect foundation for a long term commitment. Les Sables d'Olonne gained significant International brand awareness from the 2018 GGR, and their investment and belief in the retro concept of our race paid off handsomely in terms of destination marketing and visitors to the City.” 

Being a retro race celebrating the pioneering spirit of those sailors like Sir Robin Knox-Johnston and Bernard Moitessier who set out to become the first to sail solo non-stop around the Globe back in 1968, the concept of back-to-basic human endeavour in small traditional yachts, fits well alongside the professionally sailed Vendée Globe state-of-the-art flying foilers, Timing of the GGR in 2022/3 fits perfectly in the middle of the Vendée  Globe four-year cycle, covers both ends of the spectrum for any audience and gives Les Sables d'Olonne one of the two biggest solo around the world races every two years.

The support package provided by Les Sables d’Olonne will be significantly larger than in 2018. The Village will be bigger, more entertaining and media plans and coverage for the GGR will be upgraded. Sponsor interest in backing the GGR has also increased, with potential partners now knocking on the door.

"As organisers it is exciting to have a concrete plan so early, with solid logistic support and technical partners who know the game so well.” Says Don McIntyre, adding: “The French people have a great sense for adventure– And thanks to events like the Golden Globe and Vendée Globe races, social media is spreading this passion like wildfire, inspiring millions more around the world to follow these sailors.”

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