Golden Globe 2018: one last finisher three years late

Golden Globe 2018: one last finisher three years late

Golden Globe 2018: one last finisher three years late


25/05/2022 - 14:18

Captain Coconut should cross the finish line 27th May at 1430 hrs French time (1230hrs UTC) completing his GGR 28,000 mile solo circumnavigation. He will enter the Les Sables d'Olonne River at 1500hrs and arrive at the Vendee Pontoon at 1530hrs. Follow his arrival on GGR Live Facebook! French and English coverage.

GGR Veteran, Australian Oceanographer Mark Sinclair, (Captain Coconut) crossed the Les Sables d'Olonne start line of the 50th anniversary Golden Globe Race nearly four years ago on July 1st 2018.  This Friday, 27th May, he will finally cross the finish line as last finisher in the 2018 GGR! In 2018, running out of water he had to break his voyage in Adelaide, South Australia after completing only half the Race.

The 2018 GGR has no finishing time, and Mark only made the one-stop, so was able to re-join under the "Chichester Class".  He set sail from Adelaide on December 5th 2021, solo non-stop bound for Les Sables d'Olonne, officially re-joining the GGR 2018 edition. He will have been at sea for 167 days. Four  severe storms when rounding Cape Horn in February severely tested him and his boat. He damaged his forestay and equipment below but he survived. Just a week ago he was Knocked down twice in big seas damaging his inner forestay and his last satellite phone. He is making slow but steady progress toward Les Sables having secured the mast and is down to just one quarter roll of toilet paper. 

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