Kirsten Neuschäfer 's daring options brought her from 6th place in the Lanzarote gate to 2nd on arrival to Cape Town!

Kirsten Neuschäfer 's daring options brought her from 6th place in the Lanzarote gate to 2nd on arrival to Cape Town!

Golden Globe solo around the world yacht race arriving in Cape Town


04/11/2022 - 09:23

16 solo sailors set sail from Les Sables d'Olonne France two months ago to sail solo nonstop around the world in small 36 ft Yachts without modern technology using sextants, paper charts and wind up clocks. The leaders  are now in sight of Cape Town with the first arriving Sunday. All must pass through a compulsory "Photo Gate" in Grangers Bay to drop letters and video films before continuing on around the world without stopping.

Three entrants have already retired from the Race, one grounding ashore onto Rocks in the Canary Islands. Many are now infested with barnacles seriously slowing their speed and others are in need of repairs that cannot be carried out at sea. Two are running low on water. Some may need to anchor in Grangers bay to fix their problems. They cannot go ashore or seek any outside assistance or they will be penalised.

South African sailor Kirsten Neuschäfer from Port Elizabeth , the only Female entrant, is sailing a strong race and is a serious contender for a podium finish in Les Sables d'Olonne.. Her yacht is in great shape and she is excited to see family and friends as she sails past Cape Town.

Simon's Town sailor Jeremy Bagshaw who entered the GGR  on the smallest boat of the fleet and sailed his OE32 from Cape town to Gijon and Les Sables d'Olonne in July is sailing a good race on the way back to South African, but is currently facing a barnacle invasion on the hull of Olleanna that he needs to solve before entering the Indian Ocean.

Entrants anchoring will probably be just off the foreshore at GRANGER BAY and easily visible to anyone on the foreshore. Cape Town sailors and friends visiting by boat are reminded that they cannot touch any boats, pass anything to any entrant or take anything from an entrant or they may be seriously penalised or even disqualified from the Race. They are also under Customs, Immigration and Quarantine controls so make sure to respect the rules, thanks !!

It has been an exciting week for the GGR with very close sailing between distinct strategies with the leader Simon Curwen (GBR) and GGR 2018 veteran Tapio Lehtinen (FIN) picking the north side of the high-pressure system and South African sailor Kirsten Neuschäfer taking a daring option south of it in company of Pat Lawless (IRL).

Kirsten Neuschäfer on top of the mast in Cape Town before she leaving and heading to the Golden Globe Race 2022 start line. Photo: Kirsten Neuschäfer /GGR2022
Kirsten Neuschäfer on top of the mast in Cape Town before she leaving and heading to the Golden Globe Race 2022 start line. Photo: Kirsten Neuschäfer /GGR2022

Estimated Times of Arrival (ETA) of first entrant GGR skippers

ETA depends on the wind. LIVE positions are shown on the GGR satellite Tracker here. ETA's will be regularly updated in the GGR Facebook page, and on the Royal Cape Yacht Club notice board, host of the Golden Globe Race in Cape Town.
Current ETA's are:

Simon Curwen : Sunday 6 of November- Afternoon
Kirsten Neuschäfer : Monday 7th of November - Afternoon
Tapio Lehtinen : Monday 7th of November - Evening
Pat Lawless : Tuesday 8th of November - Evening
Jeremy Bagshaw : Saturday 12th of November

Crossing the Film Gate Line
The GGR Cape Town Film Gate line is located between Granger Bay Marina GREEN Entrance Buoy [Q G 5M] and Cape Town Channel GREEN Buoy 'NO 1' [G FL G 3S]. All Entrants must cross this line with at least one reef in the mainsail and drop all headsails for 20 minutes.

Race Chairman Don McIntyre will be on the water with the GGR and Royal Cape Yacht Club Team to greet the skipper, collect the photo, video and written material, and interview them should the weather conditions allow. Nothing is given to the entrants.

Jeremy Bagshaw with a lot of South African Friends' help to get to the start line. Photo: Nora Havel  / GGR2022
Jeremy Bagshaw with a lot of South African Friends' help to get to the start line. Photo: Nora Havel / GGR2022

Greet the Sailors

The Golden Globe Race is a solo, non-stop, unassisted voyage around the world. This means the sailors cannot moor inside a harbour, or onto a pontoon, cannot accept a tow, any kind of assistance other than verbal or receive any material onboard, or risk being disqualified.

We therefore ask family, friends, media and spectator boats wishing to give a warm and well deserved welcome in Cape Town to keep a safe distance of at least one boat length with the GGR yacht at all times. The long-keel yachts have a big turning radius and the skippers will be tired from their approach.

We especially insist that spectators do not touch the GGR yachts, or give the skippers anything, as it could result in the sailor's disqualification from the race.

Photo opportunity! Golden Globe solo around the world yacht race arriving in Cape Town!
Photo opportunity! Golden Globe solo around the world yacht race arriving in Cape Town!

2022 GGR entrants to date:

1. Abhilash Tomy (43)  / India / Rustler 36 - " BAYANAT "
2. Arnaud Gaist (50) /  France / BARBICAN 33 MKII  (long keel version) - " HERMES PHONING "
3. Damien Guillou (39) /  France / Rustler 36 - " PRB " 
4. Elliott Smith (27) / USA /  Gale Force 34 - " SECOND WIND "
5. Ertan Beskardes (60)   / UK /  Rustler 36 - " LAZY OTTER "
6. Guy Waites (54)  / UK / Tradewind 35 - " SAGARMATHA "
7. Ian Herbert Jones (52) / UK / Tradewind 35 - " PUFFIN " 
8. Jeremy Bagshaw (59) / South Africa / OE32 - " OLLEANNA" 
9. Kirsten Neuschäfer (39) / South Africa / Cape George 36  - " MINNEHAHA"
10. Michael Guggenberger (44) /  Austria  / Biscay 36 - " NURI "
11. Pat Lawless (66) / Ireland / Saga 36 - " GREEN REBEL "
12. Simon Curwen (63) / UK /  Biscay 36  - " CLARA " 
13. Tapio Lehtinen (64) / Finland / Gaia 36 Masthead sloop - " ASTERIA "

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