The IDEC Sport maxi trimaran
The IDEC SPORT maxi trimaran completed the Tea Route this morning
The IDEC SPORT maxi trimaran sailed by Francis Joyon, Bertrand Delesne, Christophe Houdet, Antoine Blouet and Corentin Joyon completed the Tea Route voyage between Hong Kong and London this morning (Wednesday 19th February).
The boat crossed the finish under the QE II Bridge which spans the Thames at 07:37:33 (local time).
Their race time, which is the new record time over this distance is 31 days, 23 hours, 36 mins and 46 seconds.
They have beaten the record previously held by the Italian skipper, Giovanni Soldini (Maserati) by 4 days, 3 hours, 0 minutes and 26 seconds. They sailed at an average speed of 20.7 knots covering a total distance of 15,873.89 nautical miles.