A perfect start for the Landsail Tyres J-Cup, day one report – 24 June 2021

A perfect start for the Landsail Tyres J-Cup, day one report – 24 June 2021

A perfect start for the Landsail Tyres J-Cup, day one report


By J-Cup
25/06/2021 - 17:02

Racing at the Landsail Tyres J-Cup started today with two windward leeward races in the Eastern Solent. North Sails weather forecaster Chris Tibbs predicted a building south westerly, breeze and he was spot on. 50 J/Boat teams, racing in five different classes, enjoyed excellent sailing conditions for the first day of the regatta. Congratulations to today’s race winners. Robin Stevenson J/92s Upstart, Jack Banks J/92 Nightjar, Paul Ward’s J/70 Eat Sleep J Repeat, Martin Dent’s J/70 Jelvis, Johnny Cooper’s J/112E Jooped, David Richards’ J/109 Jumping Jellyfish, Mike & Susie Yates’ J/109 JAGO, and Chris Jones & Louise Makin’s J/111 Journeymaker II.

After racing, a sit-down prize giving was held on the Royal Southern’s al fresco Quarter Deck. Key Yachting Sales Director, Hannah Le Prevost announced the winners. The J/Boats family enjoyed complimentary burgers and a bucket of beer from the ‘Southern. Singer/Song Writer Jonny Moody played a great live set with sailors grinning from ear to ear after a fantastic day on the water. Today’s prizes were generously donated by North Sails and Wight Vodka.
Racing at the Landsail Tyres J-Cup continues tomorrow, Friday 25th June with three races scheduled for all classes.

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