Pro Sailing Tour welcomes Petzl onboard for 2022 season

Pro Sailing Tour welcomes Petzl onboard for 2022 season

Pro Sailing Tour welcomes Petzl onboard for 2022 season


03/05/2022 - 10:25

The exciting new international foiling multihull circuit raises the curtain on season 2 in just under two weeks in Bonifacio, Corsica, and is proud to welcome a new partner onboard for the 2022 competition (12 May-10 July), that will take the 8-strong multinational fleet from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, to the English Channel.

Petzl is a family business headquartered in the heart of the French Alps that, over the last 50 years, has become the largest European manufacturer of personal protective equipment for those who work and play in darkness or up high. For over half a century, Petzl has been developing innovative solutions and techniques for those who work in vertical and obscure environments, and for those who make them their playground. Today, the brand is closely associated with adventure, exploration, and several remarkable feats in the world of climbing, caving and mountaineering. In the professional market, Petzl has become a world leader in working at elevation, technical rescue and intervention. Petzl is committed not only to quality and innovation, but also to the communities that have contributed to the brand’s success.

“The greatest adventurers on sea and land have trusted us since the early days. Petzl has always been there to light the way for sailors at night, in front of the chart table, in a storm, on watch, or even for safety, boat maintenance and mast climbing. It is in this spirit that Petzl has decided to join the Pro Sailing Tour, to live the adventure from the inside, as close as possible to the sailors and to accompany them once again on their exploits,” said Moreau Manuel, Global Sponsoring and Event Manager.

The Pro Sailing Tour will be a hard-fought battle amongst some of the most talented offshore sailors of the moment on the spectacular Ocean Fifty foiling trimarans that are as long as they are wide (15.24m x 15m respectively), agile and fast, and which reach speeds of up to 42 knots (77km/h). The ability to surpass limitations in hostile terrain, to work as a team while constantly striving to do one's best, are just some of the values that the international event has in common with the world-renowned French brand.

"We are delighted to welcome Petzl onboard. It is a company whose DNA is to accompany and offer solutions to women and men who surpass themselves, who go beyond and who give everything. These values and degree of commitment are also what make the Pro Sailing Tour unique. We are very proud that a company as prestigious and recognised as Petzl is joining us on our adventure,” said Julien Mauriat, CEO of the Pro Sailing Tour.

Pro Sailing Tour welcomes Petzl onboard for 2022 season
Pro Sailing Tour welcomes Petzl onboard for 2022 season

 The Race Calendar

Episode 1
Bonifacio, Corsica, France | 11-15 May
Episode 2
Brest, France | 22-26 June
Episode 3
Bay of Saint-Brieuc, France | 30 June-3 July
Episode 4
Cowes, UK | 5-6 July
Final Rush
Roscoff | 9-10 July

Pro Sailing Tour welcomes Petzl onboard for 2022 season
Pro Sailing Tour welcomes Petzl onboard for 2022 season

The Teams

Solidaires En Peloton-ARSEP | Thibaut Vauchel-Camus [Fra]
Groupe GCA-1001 Sourires | Gilles Lamiré [Fra]
Les P’tits Doudous | Armel Tripon [Fra]
Primonial | Sébastien Rogues [Fra]
Leyton | Sam Goodchild [Gbr]
Arkema | Quentin Vlamynck [Fra]
Koesio | Erwan Le Roux [Fra]
Komilfo | Éric Péron [Fra]

Pro Sailing Tour welcomes Petzl onboard for 2022 season
Pro Sailing Tour welcomes Petzl onboard for 2022 season
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