Rolex Capri Sailing Week - 2020, a record year!

Rolex Capri Sailing Week - 2020, a record year!

Forthcoming Rolex Capri Sailing Week - 2020, a record year


09/01/2020 - 18:01

At the time of going online, registrations to the forthcoming Rolex Capri Sailing Week already total 135 yachts: 110 to the ORC European Championship and over 20 to the Maxi Yacht Capri Trophy. And there are still five months to the start!
“The event is going to be a major success, with the largest fleet ever gathered for a continental ORC Championship. The maximum of 70 entries stated in the NoR, as imposed by the limitation of mooring spaces available in Capri, will be shortly released – says Maurizio Pavesi, Vicepresident of Circolo Remo e Vela Italia – as we intend to welcome all entrants. Yachts over the limit will be hosted in the nearby Sorrento Marina, almost as close as the port of Capri to the racing course. We are working hard to properly accommodate all owners and crews wishing to join such a remarkable event”.

We'll keep you informed on that; in the meantime, let us wish you all an excellent start of the New Year, fair winds and following seas!
The Rolex Capri Sailing Week it’s going to be one of the ‘sailing events’ of the next season, thanks to an unprecedented series of regattas and a growing number of entries from all over the world. Let’s see the daily schedule for the RCSW2020…

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