Isotta Fraschini Motori (IFM), Fincantieri’s subsidiary, celebrated today at  its facility in Bari, the “1000-Hour Certification”for

Isotta Fraschini Motori (IFM), Fincantieri’s subsidiary, celebrated today at its facility in Bari, the “1000-Hour Certification”for

Fincantieri: IFM celebrated the “1000-Hour Certification”


12/06/2019 - 10:51

IsottaFraschiniMotori (IFM), Fincantieri’s subsidiary, celebrated today at  its facility in Bari, the “1000-Hour Certification”for its16V170C2ME diesel generator system for Multipurpose Offshore PatrolVessels (PPA) of the Italian Navy, an innovative product for naval applications.
IFM President Sergio Razeto greeted his guests in a very special location: the engine test room. The ceremony was attended among others by the Commander in ChiefNaval Fleet, Lieutenant Admiral Donato Marzano, the Director of the Central Unit for Naval Armament (NAVARM), Chief Inspector Admiral Matteo Bisceglia, the Managing Regional Government Councilor for Economic Growth, Competitiveness, Industrial Research and Innovation CosimoBorraccino, and Fincantieri General Manager Alberto Maestrini.  

Isotta Fraschini Motori
Isotta Fraschini Motori (IFM), celebrated today the “1000-Hour Certification”for

Today marks a major milestone in the Diesel Generator Systems (DGS) validation process, which includes a total of 3700 system operating hours, with over 1000 hours devoted to the final phase prior to the Client’s acceptance of the product. 
Working in collaboration with the Navyhas made it possible to tailor-make the productentirely, from design to life-cycle management. 
Founded in 1900 as an automobile factory, IsottaFraschiniMotori now designs and manufactures diesel engines and their applications in the marine, railway and industrial sectors. For over a century IFM has been transforming and renewing its products, some of which are unequalled in the world, such as the low magnetic signature propulsion system, and engineering-intensive system that ishighly regarded and appreciatedby prestigious clients worldwide.
Today, IFM is a subsidiary of Fincantieri Group and as such, it is has been able to become a modern company that is always abreast of the times thanks tothe Group’s ongoing and future investments. Moreover, it has been able to benefit in technical terms from important synergies with other Group companies such as Cetena, for research and innovation, and Seastema, for system integration, all of which goes to the advantage ofits clients. Apart from the Italian Navy, IFM’s list of clients includes the US Navy - the over 35-year-old client for whom it is participating intheworld-renowned LCS program -, and  several other European Navies,  as well as recent orders and applications for clients in Korea, Australia, Singapore, and India. 

Diesel Generator Systems (DGS)
Today marks a major milestone in the Diesel Generator Systems (DGS) validation process

In 2015, Fincantieri received an order for 7 PPAs as part of the Italian Navy fleet renewal plan. The first patrol vessel,scheduled for delivery in 2021,will be floated-out this month at the Fincantieri shipyard in Muggiano (La Spezia). The remaining patrol vessels are scheduled for delivery in 2022, 2023, 2024 (two vessels), 2025 and 2026. 

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