Sanlorenzo - Massimo Perotti
For the third time Sanlorenzo is one of the excellent Italian companies
Ameglia, 24 September 2020 - For the third consecutive year, Sanlorenzo, worldwide leader in terms of number of yachts over 30 metres long and the only player in luxury boats to compete in different sectors with a single brand, has won the “Deloitte Best Managed Company” award, the prestigious prize awarded by Deloitte every year to excellent Italian companies that have stood out on the market, evaluated according to 6 main pillars: business strategy, skills and innovation, corporate social responsibility, corporate commitment and culture, governance and performance measurement and internationalisation.
The independent jury, made up of experts from the Italian institutional, academic and business world, awarded Sanlorenzo and 58 other companies that have demonstrated not only excellence in the methodological pillars on which the initiative is based but also great ability and resilience in dealing with the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
In particular, Sanlorenzo immediately set to work to offer a prompt response to the emergency, setting up an internal task force and a round table that led to the signing of an excellent health protocol in terms of safety, enabling the rapid resumption of business while fully safeguarding employees.
“We are truly honoured to be back for the third consecutive year as one of the winners of such an important award which first and foremost recognises the commitment and dedication that our Company has been able to demonstrate, even in this very complex period - declared Massimo Perotti, Executive Chairman of Sanlorenzo - this is an award that recognises not only the results achieved but also the positive impact the Company has had on people and employees, on the area it works in, on all stakeholders, as well as its ability to continue along a coherent, solid path of growth. For Sanlorenzo, the award was once again an opportunity to come into contact with other organisations and best practices, with a view to exchanging skills that will enable us and other companies to achieve every greater things in a constantly changing environment.”
The award recognises that during the health emergency, Sanlorenzo, together with the other award-winning companies, has always managed to keep people at the heart of the company’s business, guaranteeing effective cash flow control and unwavering respect for the supply chain - ensuring that obligations towards customers and suppliers are always met - rapidly launching new products and services to meet the changing demands of the market and demonstrating a profound commitment to the community and to all stakeholders in general.