The world record attempt was interrupted for safety reasons

The world record attempt was interrupted for safety reasons

Art Arctic World sailing record attempt has been postponed to 2020


30/07/2019 - 12:02

Project postponed to 2020

The whole team was on deck this morning to start the analyzing of existing problems. After making a general assessment of the boat, it is now clear that the race against time is unfavourable.

The boat was violently rolled on one side and the rigging suffered. Cracks at the junctions of the spreaders and a beginning of tearing of the pulpit testify to the violence of the shock. Nevertheless, the structure of the boat is intact. 

For safety reasons and obviously the impossibility to reach the North West Passage on time, the ANT ARCTIC LAB project is unfortunately postponed to next year.

Innovation Yachts is an Austrian-French shipyard designing and building unique customized racing and cruising yachts. The yard uses new trendsetting fully sustainable and recyclable materials to optimize quality, performance and theprotection of the environment during and after construction.

The Open60AAL is the first 60’ which has been built in Les Sables d'Olonne, France. This revolutionary prototype launched in 2018 is made from volcanic rock fiber, balsa wood core and biocompatible epoxy.

The yacht represents the vanguard of a new generation of high-quality boats, very powerful, safe and ecological!

After the departure Norbert will set course to the Arctic Ocean, passing the Northwest Passage from east to west and then heading south to round Cape Hornfor the first time.

Norbert will then sail around Antarctica in the Southern Ocean and pass Cape Horn a second time before heading north back home to Les Sables d’Olonne.

If this record attempt is successful Norbert Sedlacek will be the first sailor ever who did a singlehanded, nonstop circumnavigation without assistance through all oceans including Arctic and Southern Ocean.

This challenge represents approximately 34,000 nautical miles and around 200 days at sea.

Project ANT ARCTIC LAB will give an ultimate confirmation about the quality and safety of this new yacht building concept!

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