Sir Ben Ainslie

Sir Ben Ainslie

Coronavirus - From Sir Ben Ainslie on behalf of Ineos Team UK


22/03/2020 - 13:49

Ineos Team UK has made the decision to withdraw their sailing operations from Sardinia, Italy and return to the UK with immediate effect, due to the COVID-19 global pandemic.

The decision to bring the team home early has not been taken lightly. These are unprecedented times and the health and wellbeing of our team members and their families has to be our top priority.

Sardinia has been a fantastic winter training camp allowing the team to make great developments to our first AC75, Britannia. We would like to thank the island of Sardinia for being wonderful hosts to our team during the past three months.

All team members returning from Sardinia to the UK will follow the UK Government & World Health Organisation guidelines.

We look forward to having the whole team back together in Portsmouth and training on the Solent in preparation for the 36th America’s Cup next year.

During these challenging times, I hope we all come together in our communities, support each other, especially those most vulnerable.

Keep safe,


From Ben Ainsle on behalf of Ineos Team UK
From Ben Ainsle on behalf of Ineos Team UK

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