No Wind, No Race. Match between Luna Rossa and US Team Postponed


30/08/2024 - 20:50

Weather conditions were borderline for the AC75s scheduled to compete day two of the Louis Vuitton Cup Round Robins: the weak 6/7 knots southeasterly wind forced the AC75s in the first match to be towed by their support boats in order to lift onto their foils and enter the prestart box. The races at that point turned into an exhausting endurance challenge for the crews, who struggled to stay in flight mode as long as possible. 

The breeze gradually faded on the racecourse until it disappeared completely just before the start of the match between Luna Rossa and NYYC American Magic. At that point the race committee was unable to give the start and Match #7 was postponed to the following race day. 

Race postponed due to lack of wind

Luna Rossa's crew today featured Jimmy Spithill and Francesco Bruni at the helm, with Umberto Molineris and Andrea Tesei as trimmers. The cyclors were Enrico Voltolini, Bruno Rosetti, Cesare Gabbia and Emanuele Liuzzi.

Wind shuts down after two races on second day of Louis Vuitton Cup
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