Maserati Multi 70 tries the southern passage

Maserati Multi 70 tries the southern passage

Maserati Multi 70 tries the southern passage in the Cape2Rio 2020


01/01/2020 - 00:00

Maserati Multi 70 is leading the fleet of the 22 boats participating in the Cape2Rio 2020: during the night, scattered with squalls, the Italian Team overtook Sulanga, the 48 feet catamaran who set sail from Cape Town on January 4th and who was leading the fleet. At 8.30 UTC Giovanni Soldini and his crew are sailing South West at 27 knots with 16 knots of East-South-Easterly wind. LoveWater, direct competitor, is sailing West, around 90 miles further North.

Soldini explains: “The weather situation is really complicated: a second high pressure formed South East of Rio de Janeiro and it is merging with the high pressure around which we are sailing, whose center is West of Cape Town. Based on to the weather models, we decided to set course to South West, where we’re expecting a passage to open in the high pressure tomorrow, while our opponents keep sailing West”.

Maserati Multi 70 tries the southern passage
Maserati Multi 70 tries the southern passage

Maserati Multi 70 still has 1824 miles ahead, while LoveWater has to sail 1870 miles before reaching the finish line (positions updated at 8 UTC).
Today at 5 UTC #LoveWater’s Team reported an impact with an object in the water during the first night of the race: “We have a crack in the boat from hitting something on the first night. Very tiny and not structural and we have been doing repairs the last day”.

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