PROtect tapes let's start once again - As before more than before

PROtect tapes let's start once again - As before more than before

PROtect tapes let's start once again - As before more than before


07/05/2020 - 09:17

We are pleased to inform you that from Monday 4 May we will resume production at full speed, which had partially reduced, and so will the logistics and sales office activities.

Let's go back to our work with the usual passion.
With the pride of things done well, with attention, study, experience and desire to innovate.
With the awareness of producing solutions that stand out in the world for manufacturing quality but also because they guarantee performances that challenge challenges.

With the caution imposed by the circumstances, with the protections in compliance with government regulations, but also with renewed enthusiasm, ready to give the best.
With the certainty that life and work are precious goods, and for this reason with the audacity to imagine together with you, every day, new products that bring energy to our boats.

We are ready!

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