Boot Düsseldorf 2021 is fully on course, everything’s going to plan
Boot Düsseldorf 2021 is fully on course, everything’s going to plan
CARAVAN SALON 2020 has demonstrated the success of Düsseldorf trade fairs - exhibitors report amazing results
Wolfram Diener, CEO: “boot Düsseldorf sets the course for a year of watersports success.”
“boot Düsseldorf is well aware of its responsibility to the industry as the world’s biggest platform for watersports. boot, held from 23 to 31 of January 2021, sets the course for a year of success and a positive future. We are sure that we can come out on top if we work together and are delighted to be able to offer you this location in Düsseldorf for this. We have organised a boot that looks a little different, but is no less exciting, across 17 trade fair halls and in accordance with the valid hygiene and infection protection regulations. CARAVAN SALON 2020, which has just drawn to a close, paved the way for this. CARAVAN SALON proved beyond a doubt that trade fairs in Düsseldorf are successful and that exhibitors can produce impressive economic results, even under the new rules. We’re delighted by this outcome, as it has demonstrated that trade fairs continue to be an essential marketing tool for both the caravanning industry and the watersports sector, even in today’s climate.” This is how Wolfram Diener, CEO Messe Düsseldorf, describes the situation in the regional capital of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Registration levels in total equal to those of 2019
The planning for boot 2021 is on course and the current registration numbers are, overall, the same as they were in 2019. Almost all of the boat and yacht manufacturers that were on board in 2020 are back for 2021. Apart from a few exceptions, most suppliers have also confirmed that they will be participating in boot. Petros Michelidakis, Project Director for boot: “All in all, booking numbers for boot are excellent and we have even got halls in which almost every square metre has been booked up, such as the luxury yacht halls 5 and 6. Industries that have been hit hard by the crisis, such as the tourism industry, haven’t yet returned to their previous levels. However, we are discussing matters actively with these regions and travel agents in order to make participating in the trade fair possible for them.” The boot team has received a good level of registrations for providers of houseboat holidays as well as in the charter sector for sailing and motor boats. Both of these types of holiday are very safe and are enjoying growth in their popularity.
A hygiene and infection protection plan in Düsseldorf that has been cleared with the authorities
Messe Düsseldorf had already developed for CARAVAN SALON a comprehensive hygiene and protection concept in close cooperation with the authorities and in coordination with the state government. This is constantly adapted to meet the latest demands. “The visitors to the CARAVAN SALON approved of these measures highly. They felt safe with us, knew that they were in good hands and could enjoy visiting the vehicles in a relaxed atmosphere,” explains Wolfram Diener. The PROTaction campaign by Messe Düsseldorf provides clear and detailed information for the exhibitors at http://bit.ly/PROTactionEN.
Stage programme and participatory activities will take place
Michelidakis: “The most important thing for us all is that, at the moment: boot Düsseldorf 2021 will take place from 23 to 31 January.” Exhibitors, employees, stand builders, visitors and media representatives can currently find responses to queries on the hygiene measures on the boot website. All those who are on the premises of the trade fair centre during the set-up, run and wind-up of the trade fair will be registered. The popular stage programmes and participatory activities such as surfing, diving, SUP and canoeing will take place, under compliance with the hygiene and distancing regulations. Scanners will log the data on the online tickets to track any potential infection chains.
The boot team is here to advise and help
“We ask that our exhibitors also use scanners. They can use these to simplify the registration process and they are low-cost and subsidised. Our boot team is here to offer support in word and deed if there are any questions and can give handy tips on how exhibitors can successfully implement the hygiene plan at their stands. The support and solidarity within the watersports industry is our biggest motivation!” says the boot Project Director, summing up the trade fair’s ethos.
The Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA e.V.): Trade fair visitors and exhibitors can travel in
The Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA e.V.) has stated that travelling into Germany is possible, in principle, for trade fair participants. Those travelling in from EU member states and from countries that are on the list of permitted countries will face no travel restrictions. Trade fair participants may also travel in from all other countries as they are seen as business travellers with justified grounds for travel. Trade fair participants from these countries must prove that they are taking part in the trade fair when entering Germany. Employees from exhibiting companies must present confirmation from the organiser of the trade fair stating that they are participating in the trade fair. Trade fair visitors must submit their entrance tickets to the fair and also an appointment that they have made for a business meeting with at least one exhibitor on-site at the trade fair. Current information on the incoming travel regulations for exhibitors and visitors entering Germany from Europe and overseas are available on the portal https://www.auma.de/en/exhibit/legal-matters/entry-requirements (Source: AUMA e.V.).