Cannes YF 2024: Port Canto expands to motorboats under 12 metres
Cannes YF 2024: Port Canto expands to motorboats under 12 metres
At eight months to the opening of the Cannes Yachting Festival 2024, its organisation is becoming clearer with several new features that make it possible to accommodate the major modernisation and transformation works being undertaken this year and until 2026 in the Vieux Port.
2024 will see the launch of a new area entirely dedicated to new motor boats from 8 metres long. It is a major first for the Cannes Yachting Festival to present boats of this size in water!
This marina will cover more than 1,700 m² and provide more than 300 m of linear quay. Visitors will find the boats and brands usually exhibited on Quai Max Laubeuf, an area that is unavailable due to the works. 170 boats (150 in water and twenty on land), with rigid or semi-rigid hulls, are expected in this brand-new space, which will benefit from a strong identity and adapted signage. In addition to the boats, a selection of outboard engines suitable for these boat sizes will also be present.
This marina will be located between the Sailing and Brokerage & Toys areas that have been acommodated in Port Canto for several years. An important new feature is that this year, for the first time, visitors will now be able to take a full tour of Port Canto (i.e. a loop of +/- 2.5 km) to discover almost 340 boats (120 new sail boats over 10 metres long, 170 power boats from 8 metres long and around 50 previously owned large yachts from 24 metres long) and many equipment manufacturers and service companies. Several traversantes (pontoons with a motorised central part) will allow visitors to go from one quay to another and small motor boats to go out for sea trials.
Many new services will also be implemented with an additional restaurant of more than 450 m² with capacity for 130 place settings, an entrance reserved for exhibitors and a redesigned VIP Club.
«2024 represents a year full of challenges for the Cannes Yachting Festival. As we explained to our exhibitors last September, the works in the Vieux Port have an impact on our show and are a challenge we are taking on to continue offering a high-quality product. The situation is gradually becoming clearer and, thanks to working closely with
everyone playing a role in Cannes, we are making progress on setting up this edition. We are fortunate to be in both
ports of Cannes and to be able to balance out our exhibition areas at each of our sites knowing that it is very easy
and fast to go from one port to another thanks to the free sea shuttles. The new marina located in Port Canto, mainly
dedicated to 8- to12 metre motor boats, will give incredible visibility to this boat segment, which will enjoy one of the
biggest exhibition concentrations in water. We believe this new space will attract a large number of our visitors and
give some the opportunity to come and discover Port Canto for the first time. This new configuration for the show
also allows us to create an even clearer and more simplified visitor circuit with almost one quay, or one large area,
associated with a type of boat», explains Sylvie Ernoult, director of the Cannes Yachting Festival.
In the heart of the city, the Vieux Port remains the port for new 10- to 50 metre motor boats and all the equipment
manufacturers and service companies related to this industry. Note that for 2024, the progress of the works will block
off the areas on land, but allows the large yachts to remain in water in their usual spaces on the Jetée sud. The Super
Yachts Extension will remain the same.
« Next September, Port Canto will almost be the same as the Vieux Port in terms of the number of boats displayed:
almost 350 boats will be on display on each side of the Croisette, maintaining the number of boats we plan to bring
together at the show at 700. I would like to reassure our exhibitors as well as our visitors about the quality of the 2024
show and the offer available. Our teams are working hard to put on a stunning 47th edition! », Sylvie Ernoult finishes.