Cannes Yachting Festival_©G.Luzzatto
Cannes Yachting Festival: the Cour of Cassation rules in favour of Rx France
After the decision by the Paris Court of Appeal in 2021, which ruled in favour of RX France on all counts, the Fédération des Industries Nautiques (FIN) referred its case to the Cour of Cassation which has today confirmed the ruling of the Court of Appeal.
The Cour of Cassation therefore confirms RX France's right to operate the Cannes Yachting Festival up to 2041 and puts a definitive term to the debate on this subject.
It also puts an end to 7 years of legal proceedings initiated by the FIN, during which the Féderation multiplied litigation actions in an attempt to cancel the contractual agreement it had entered into with RX France. As a reminder, the FIN has already had proceedings against RX France definitively dismissed by the Autorité de la Concurrence (Competition Authority) in 2017, and another action taken against the Nice-Côte d'Azur ICC was dismissed by the Nice Administrative Court in 2020.
"We welcome this favourable decision with great satisfaction as it definitively acknowledges our rights and clearly sets the record straight following all the counter-truths heard over the past 7 years," said Michel Filzi, Chairman of RX France.
"Even before this court ruling, we had opened a new page with the FIN. We renewed a calm dispassionate dialogue with the new FIN Chairman, elected in 2022, and his new team, and at the most recent Yachting Festival, we were already able to work together, one example being the launch of the Posidonia initiative," Michel Filzi went on to say.
And he concluded by saying: "Despite the difficult legal context over the past 7 years, we have continued to innovate and increase the international reach of the event for the benefit of our customers and the global yachting community as a whole. By creating a new Sailing Area in Port Canto, expanding the in- water exhibition areas in the Vieux Port for motor boats, and highlighting the sustainable offering, we continue to work tirelessly to offer the French and international sailing community an exceptional experience".
"I am very happy now that this unfortunate judicial saga is behind us. And I am proud of how the Cannes Yachting Festival has evolved over the past few years. In close collaboration with the French and international yachting community, and thanks to some highly innovative initiatives, we have succeeded in consolidating Cannes's position as the leading in-water festival in Europe for all sectors, and the global leader for sailing boats. Over the last 7 years, the Festival surface area has increased by over 50% and the number of boats has increased from 630 to 705," said Sylvie Ernoult, event director.
The next 3 years will be marked by the transformation of the Vieux Port and the work this will entail. Therefore, in order to maintain both the Yachting Festival's prestige and reputation all over the world and the high satisfaction rates of our exhibitors and visitors, we are continuing to work closely with the City of Cannes, the new port manager and other stakeholders in the sector in preparing the upcoming festivals."
The next Cannes Yachting Festival will take place from Tuesday 10 to Sunday 15 September 2024.