UIM extraordinary Council Meeting to deal with impact of Covid-19

UIM extraordinary Council Meeting to deal with impact of Covid-19

UIM extraordinary Council Meeting to deal with impact of Covid-19


20/05/2020 - 09:48

A record number of UIM Council members and Committee Chairpersons responded to President Chiulli's call to participate in an extraordinary plenary meeting, held for the first time by video conference, to address the various aspects of the impact caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Creation of “UIM COVID-19 Recovery Task Force”

Following the proposal of UIM President Dr. Raffaele Chiulli, the Council unanimously agreed to set up a “ UIM COVID-19 Recovery Task Force” to provide guidance to the UIM Executive Committee in the Federation’s response to the multiple challenges the Powerboat Sport was facing. Under the lead of UIM Secretary General Thomas Kurth, experts in the fields of medical care and epidemiologic prevention, legal protection, risk assessment, Sport event and emergency management, will analyse relevant data and information in consultation with an advisory group comprising athlete representatives, promoters and local organizers, with the purpose to provide concrete guidance on the way back to safe practice of international powerboat racing in each of the UIM disciplines, in full respect of the measures taken by governments and competent authorities.

On another note, the UIM Council also agreed to take the opportunity of the disruptive situation caused by the pandemic to “…review fundamental pillars of the Powerboating Sport, such as the UIM’s governance structures, the sporting rules and regulations, the racing formats and the way the sport was brought to the fans and to the wider audience.” as the UIM President had suggested.
Re-launch of UIM XCAT World Championship
The UIM Council was delighted to receive the information that one of the UIM’s flagship classes, the XCAT World Championship was ready for a fresh start following the execution of a framework agreement between the UIM, the Offshore Powerboat Teams Association OPTA and a global media & marketing partner for the purpose of setting up a Joint Venture Company, World Powerboat Management  (“WPM”) to run the UIM XCAT World Championship.
While waiting for the world to re-open again to international sport events, the WPM Management has started work on the safety protocols to be applied as of the first race in 2020, to ensure that all necessary arrangements shall be ready for reducing any Covid-19 related risks and protecting all those involved in the organization and running of events of this prestigious Offshore powerboat racing series when it will resume. 

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