European ports and marinas

European ports and marinas

Upgrade of yacht and boat insurances to generate maximum security


17/04/2020 - 16:45

In many European ports and marinas, operations have been suspended due to COVID-19. Facilities are abandoned, boats and yachts are lying there practically without supervision.
The first operators are therefore already applying to the insurance companies for an exemption of liability. Sandra Ahrabian, CEO of Bavaria AG, has already anticipated this procedure: "It is the logical step. The operators do not want to be able to take recourse if damage occurs in the unguarded marina. Just think about weather front like in winter 2018 or in spring 2019. That’s all it takes to get into real trouble."
Whether this development, which "puts the risk over" to the yacht owners, Bavaria AG recommends to all clients or those who want to become one their comprehensive insurance which covers almost all risks. If damage is caused by a storm, a torn cover, or loose lines, you are insured with the all risk cover. Everything that is not explicitly excluded - and these are very few exceptions - is covered with this product.
This is particularly reassuring when one knows the most frequent claims of Bavaria AG customers: in 2018 and 2019 about 30 percent of all claims were caused by lightning and storms. Just think of the severe autumn storms that destroyed entire port facilities in Europe. Or the stormy spring, which caused numerous losses throughout the Mediterranean region.
Sandra Ahrabian: "I reckon that many marinas, especially in the Mediterranean, apply for the exclusion of liability Therefore I advise to increase a liability insurance to a comprehensive insurance of Bavaria AG in order to generate maximum security in the current situation". According to Ahrabian, an upgrade to a Bavaria  comprehensive insurance is possible with every liability insurance.

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