Atlantic Marine Industry Cluster at the Metstrade in Amsterdam

Atlantic Marine Industry Cluster at the Metstrade in Amsterdam

Atlantic Marine Industry Cluster at the Metstrade in Amsterdam


31/10/2022 - 11:44

The Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, being strongly involved in the marine and naval sector, is implementing development and synergetic actions for the territory's participants: 

The Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, through the Atlantic Cluster and with the support of the CCI (chamber of commerce and industry) Internationale Nouvelle-Aquitaine, supports businesses in the territory in METSTRADE, through regional grants. In addition, the government contributes to this export aid with the Export stimulus check, a measure initiated by the state as part of the national economic stimulus plan. This national public aid, France Relance, comes in the form of a Relance Export check to which French SMEs (small and middle-sized companies) and mid-cap companies can claim, members of Team France Export provide these with export support services or approved operators. This system aims to strengthen the strike force of French companies abroad in the context of activity recovery and an increased foreign competition.

The SIRENA programme (International Regional Ecosystem Strategy of Nouvelle-Aquitaine) aims to support businesses, especially those in the nautical sector, regarding their international development activities. This programme also takes on an advisory role, sector diagnostics, market targeting, assistance in the engineering of European projects, regional subsidies for the deployment of the action plan, etc. The Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region is the only region to offer such a tool in France! 

Creation of a regional observatory of marine activities initiated by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, in connection with the DIRM SA, the Atlantic Cluster participates in the committee dedicated to Boating. This observatory will make it possible to measure the economic weight of the various regional maritime sectors, including that of the nautical sector, and to monitor a certain number of these data and/or indicators over time. 

In 2022, the co-construction of the marine and naval roadmap for the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region and the Atlantic Cluster started. The latter being a privileged interlocutor for the region with regards to all that relates to marine and naval activities.


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