Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image

Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image

Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image 2020: launch of the eleventh edition


10/04/2020 - 12:13

With no less than 133 professional photographers representing 29 nationalities in 2019, the event confirms its status as a worldwide reference.

The Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image international photo competition announces the official opening of its eleventh edition. Photos can be submitted from today until 6 October 2020. The winners will be celebrated during the Yacht Racing Forum on 23 and 24 November in Portsmouth, UK, in front of the sports’ leading personalities.


Photographers are invited to submit their best image taken between 14 October 2019 and 6 October 2020. The 80 best images will be pre-selected by an international jury and published on the event website on October 15, 2020. Public voting will be open between 15 October and 10 November 2020. The 20 best images chosen by the international jury will be announced on October 29 and exhibited at the Yacht Racing Forum.


Three prizes, including prize money, will be awarded:

- The Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image (main prize), awarded by an international jury.
- The Yacht Racing Forum Award, selected by the 3-400 delegates of the Yacht Racing Forum.
- The " Public Award ", based on the number of votes cast by the public on the Internet.

Excerpts from the rules

- The subject must be directly related to competitive sailing. It includes keelboats, dinghies, multihull, windsurfing or kitesurfing. Photos taken during training, before and after regattas are accepted. Photos that are not directly related to competitive sailing will not be accepted. 
- Photos taken on board a helicopter, using a drone or a selfie stick are accepted.
- Photos extracted from videos will not be accepted.
- The detailed rules can be consulted here.

Last year, the international jury decided to honour Swiss photographer Loris von Siebenthal and his image taken during a powerful storm on Lake Geneva. Around 18,000 votes were counted, while more than 288,000 pages were viewed on the website. Millions of people watched the images on social networks, contributing to the promotion of the sport and sailing photography worldwide.


Submission of the photos is open

The photos submitted must have been taken between October 14, 2019 and October 6, 2020.

The photos must be submitted before October 6, 2020 at 23:59.

The 80 best images will be published on the event website on October 15, 2020.

Public votes will be open between October 15, 2020 and November 10, 2020.

The 20 best images chosen by the international jury will be exhibited at the Yacht Racing Forum in the presence of the sports' leading personalities from the world of sailing.

The winner of the contest will be celebrated in public, while a prize money and other prizes will be distributed among the winners. Two "secondary" awards will also be presented: the Yacht Racing Forum Award (selected by conference delegates) and the Public Award (based on public votes).

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