Joint statement from RORC and UNCL regards IRC concerning the Ukraine conflict

Joint statement from RORC and UNCL regards IRC concerning the Ukraine conflict

Joint statement from RORC and UNCL regards the Ukraine conflict


10/03/2022 - 19:35

The Royal Ocean Racing Club (RORC) and the Union Nationale Pour La Course Au Large (UNCL), who jointly own the International Rating Certificate (IRC) rule, abhor the invasion of Ukraine and extend their wholehearted support to the Ukrainian nation.

We endorse the positions taken by World Sailing and the IOC. Until this situation is resolved, we will not admit Russian or Belarussian owned yachts to events that we organise; we are asking our Rule Authorities around the world not to issue IRC certificates to such vessels; and we will be asking each Rule Authority not to accept such an entry to an event sailed under IRC.

We will continue to assess the situation and work with Member National Authorities whilst respecting their national policies and those of World Sailing.

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