Avaletta and all its services for yachts of all sizes

Avaletta and all its services for yachts of all sizes

Avaletta and all its services for yachts of all sizes


20/03/2018 - 11:31

Combine expert accountants and artificial intelligence to slash 35% of time spent on yacht accounting

Artificial intelligence is changing the world around us, and we’re now seeing yachts and yacht management companies begin to take advantage of it. Software used by yacht accounting firm, Avaletta, is saving time with its computer systems designed with decision making and sorting capabilities.

How much time do you spend on the accounts and admin of the yachts in your care? Specialist yachting accountants Avaletta say too much, and they’re determined to help yacht owners, managers and captains unlock accounting efficiency.

“Yacht management companies have reported savings of up to 35 per cent on time spent on admin through a combination of specialist superyacht accountants and intelligent software,” say Avaletta’s founders.

The CPA accountants of Avaletta use this software to automatically apply codes to transactions, and sort reports. This removes the need for labour intensive manual input, with the benefit of highly qualified accountants who know and understand the superyacht industry.

Avaletta offers its services to yachts of all sizes

Cohesive accounting

For the yacht, this means sorting codes are consistent whether the owner, crew or management company are inputting financial information into the yacht’s accounts. Time spent sorting transactions is reduced and consistency is increased. The accountants and their expertise can be accessed from anywhere in the world, and with sorting codes standardised, finding transactions, printing financial reports or checking budgets is an immediate, streamlined process.

The software uses artificial intelligence to work alongside yacht managers, crew and yacht owners, providing suggested codes between them for the work each individual is doing.

It’s having a significant positive impact on the yacht management companies working with the accounting specialists at Avaletta.

35 per cent of all administrative activities today could be automated by AI, which means the possibilities for the industry are bright. With a combination of the best of human and robot abilities, in the way Avaletta demonstrates, a more advanced future of yachting is on its way.

Proven efficiency

“Since these yacht management companies integrated the AI solution of Avaletta, they have been able to shift from doing most of the administration manually, to being able to spend their time on their primary role - managing the yacht,” say the founders of Avaletta.

For example, when an invoice for a contact is entered once, it will be recognised by the system and easily duplicated the next time that contact is billed. All documents and reports are available around the clock, with the accounting firm enabling fleet managers to access the records of all vessels in their care at the touch of a button.

“The impact of AI on our accounting software is being able to unlock the most important asset we have - time. This saved time lets yacht managers focus on business growth and revenue, crew focus on operations and guest enjoyment, and allows the owner more time to enjoy the asset.”

35 per cent of all administrative activities today could be automated by AI, which means the possibilities for the industry are bright. With a combination of the best of human and robot abilities, in the way Avaletta demonstrates, a more advanced future of yachting is on its way.

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