Baglietto 65M V-Line

Baglietto 65M V-Line

Model Maker Group: guaranteeing a safe workplace post-lockdown


26/05/2020 - 16:31

Model Maker Group: guaranteeing a safe workplace post-lockdown

The Covid-19 crisis has forced many companies to reorganise their production processes to incorporate new measures to protect the health of their staff. The Model Maker Group management is no exception and has made changes to guarantee a safe workplace, so that its skilled workers can continue to create its internationally renowned scale replicas

Gmodel, whose Model Maker Group brand has been making quality Italian-made scale yacht models for over 15 years, has always placed great importance on the welfare of its team. It has long put its group of expert model-makers at the very centre of its company choices as these are the individuals that helped earn its international reputation. In this difficult period, our company policies continue to reflect that focus on protecting the health of our staff through the implementation of new procedures and measures that will prevent the spread of disease and guarantee a safe workplace environment.  

We have always been at the cutting-edge in terms of new technologies and have been quick to adapt to meet guidelines designed to prevent the spread of Covid-19 without affecting our service to our clients.

Model Maker Group - production processes
Model Maker Group - production processes

To deal with the high demand for our scale models and meet the deadlines and contracts agreed our clients, the company, which is headquartered in central Italy, has adopted a series of measures to further upgraded its already very high standard of safety in the workplace. These range from extra healthcare insurance for employees to the purchase of infrared thermometers to monitor their temperatures. Aside from the protective equipment already used by our artisan model-makers in the course of their work, all of our staff have been provided with additional gloves and masks. All workstations and offices have been fitted with hand sanitiser dispensers and Plexiglas dividers even though in many instances workspaces are already over two metres apart. We have also reorganised our shifts to limit the number of staff present at any one time and to ensure social distancing is respected in communal areas, which are now sanitised more often throughout the day too. 

The company’s experience mirrors Italian SMEs’ stubborn refusal to compromise on either the quality of their output or the health of their workers. This is a shipyard in miniature that has been making scale models of yachts and superyachts for the most prestigious international builders and designers for over 15 years.  Our products are unique and highly prize, and at this difficult time, they also underscore the strategic importance of marketing for the sector. 

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