Fincantieri: the effort for the new Genoa bridge continues

Fincantieri: the effort for the new Genoa bridge continues

Fincantieri: the effort for the new Genoa bridge continues


25/03/2020 - 12:53

Genoa, March 22, 2020 – The last 100-meter maxi-span has been raised, and now the new Genoa bridge overpasses the railway.
In just over a month the infrastructure, designed by Renzo Piano – for which Fincantieri Infrastructure and the Fincantieri group companies were entrusted the construction of the entire steel deck, with the development of its technological components – reached about 800 metres in span length, almost 80% of the entire structure, for 6,000 tonnes of steel, processed and finished in the Fincantieri Group plants. 

The operations to bring this last 1,800-tonne imposing span to a height of over 40 meters started on Saturday and, taking into account preparatory activities and the actual raising, took about 48 hours and the work of a team of almost 50 people.

Their commitment is symbolized in the photo attached, entitled: “Noi al lavoro per Genova e per l’Italia” (We are at work for Genoa and for Italy), followed by the hashtag #VOIRESTATEACASA (#YOUSTAYATHOME). 

As for the previous maxi-span, this one too, due to its size and position, required the coordination of complex activities, which were carried out by Fincantieri Infrastructure’s technicians and welders, who also adopted additional safety measures to deal with the serious health emergency affecting the country, in line with the specific actions implemented by Fincantieri in relation to the Covid-19 emergency: ad hoc supplementary health insurance for its entire workforce, and closure of its plants, with the commitment to resume activities only when it will be possible to guarantee the full safety of staff.
As usual, a sober, responsible approach, based on doing rather than saying.

The Group, world leader in maritime engineering and the first company in the city, is therefore keeping up with its efforts to build the new Genoa Bridge in the dual role of partner and contractor for 70% of the entire order.

“This is an essential result in the path towards the completion of the new bridge, that we want to dedicate to the whole country, which is currently facing an unprecedented emergency, second only to the post-war period” said the CEO of Fincantieri, Giuseppe Bono. “Fincantieri will make all its expertise available to ensure that this effort leads to results in the shortest possible time, and in imagining – with all the people responsible for it – the resulting new model of economic development.

Once again, we must thank all our technicians and workers who, with the excellence of their know-how and their spirit of self-sacrifice, have allowed the construction site to remain operational, respecting the objectives set. This further goal has been achieved with respect for the health and safety of the workers, who will continue to be protected in every way and at any cost, because not only they are essential, they are our priority”. 

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