Italia Yachts’ 11.98

Italia Yachts’ 11.98

Italia Yachts’ 11.98 first preview in Cannes and Genova

Sailing boat

15/09/2019 - 09:05

On top of the two new designs, Italia Yachts will exhibit the classic IY 12.98, one of the most successful models on the national and international markets.

The IY 11.98 exhibited in Cannes will be in the Bellissima version, with the much appreciated and attractive interiors designed by the studio Arbore Design, a pretty unusual choice for a boat this size. Created for fast but comfortable cruising the IY11.98 Bellissima interiors feature an original use of wood, upholstery and soft lighting that subtly underline design details.

The IY 11.98 Fuoriserie, despite having been newly launched, has already attracted attention at the most competitive regattas, with Sugar 3 winning the 2019 ORC Worlds in Sibenik, Croatia , and Scugnizza, Sugar 3, Ott Kikkas, and Guardamago II scoring a series of top results at the Italian championship. Matteo Polli’s designed  IY 11.98 has just started its racing career.

Italia Yachts opted to exhibit the IY 12.98 in Cannes too, given the high interest from owners for this all round fast cruiser, easy to handle and with comfort levels so typical of the Italian brand.The shipyard, aiming at growing on the international market and increasing its range, in Cannes will  therefore give a world first preview of a new model, in the Bellissima and Fuoriserie versions.

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