Palumbo Superyachts Savona: the secret behind the customer-pull factor

Palumbo Superyachts Savona: the secret behind the customer-pull factor

Palumbo Superyachts Savona: the secret behind the customer-pull factor


04/05/2020 - 15:22

Its strategic location – at the entrance to Savona harbour, half way between the French Riviera and Viareggio’s boat building centre, and at a stone’s throw from Genoa International Airport – makes Palumbo Superyachts Savona a very convenient hub for superyacht repair and refit.

Though the right location is key to the feasibility and long term economic viability of its business, as we all know, to make a shipyard very successful it takes more than just an enviable geographical position…and, indeed, Palumbo Savona’s customer-pull factor goes well beyond that.

With a history of excellence in the building, repairing and refitting of yachts up to 80 metres spanning over 50 years, it’s no wonder the shipyard is always bustling with activity.

Currently, there are 18 yachts ranging from 25 to 55 metres under refit and maintenance of which 5 in covered sheds, 11 on the hard and 2 afloat, and during the pandemic we’ve kept focusing on these projects maintaining business continuity, whilst simultaneously working hard to minimise the impact and spread of the virus by applying all the prescribed health measures.

We specialise in tackling the multitude of challenges facing today’s shipyards: from the ongoing pressure to reduce running costs by making yachts more energy efficient, to devising appropriate solutions in order to ensure compliance with the environmental requirements set out by the regulatory bodies mainly on air and water pollution, waste management, noise and light pollution.

So, our experts work closely with clients to guide them through the minefield of possible solutions and assist them to achieve the best balance between the necessary implementation or the desired result and the cost and lead time involved.

Our industry knowledge is vital to lead our clients to a good understanding of their scenario, before selecting the preferred technical solution and deploying it in a way that is tailored to them.

Because our ultimate aim is to meet their requirements in the most professional, transparent and competitive way… and their loyalty proves we are on the right track!

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