M. Perotti credt Daniele Barraco

M. Perotti credt Daniele Barraco

Sanlorenzo: MOU aimed at the acquisition of Simpson Marine in Hong Kong


11/04/2023 - 08:00

Sanlorenzo S.p.A. (“Sanlorenzo” or the “Company”) announces that it has signed a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding with Mike Simpson to evaluate the Company's entry into the Simpson Marine Group and other affiliated companies.

Simpson Marine has been operating for forty years as a major yacht sales and service company throughout the APAC territory.

The acquisition transaction, if realised, will allow Sanlorenzo to increase its direct presence in a strategically important territory such as APAC, maintaining and developing the expertise and experience gained over the years by Simpson Marine and thus making available to Sanlorenzo a wealth of excellence and highly specialised knowhow.

The law firm Musumeci, Altara, Desana e Associati assisted Sanlorenzo with the negotiation of contractual aspects, and the firm Howse Williams assisted Mike Simpson.

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