Emirates Team New Zealand: always reevaluating and planning

Emirates Team New Zealand: always reevaluating and planning

Emirates Team New Zealand: always reevaluating and planning


15/07/2022 - 07:30

With a project as highly contingent on weather and conditions as the Emirates Team New Zealand wind powered Land Speed World Record attempt, constant evaluation and adjustments of plans are essential to the success of the overall objective.

As Pilot Glenn Ashby found last week on Lake Gairdner a small holding pattern has been engaged due to water on the lake. So the Land speed team had a timely catch up on the current situation.

“Normally, Lake Gairdner the whole year is perfectly dry. There's no water in the lake. It's very, very abnormal for it to have water in the lake at all, but Clouds is optimistic we should see 100 mm of evaporation in the next four weeks. So we might not actually end up being too far behind where we originally set our goal. So I think we've got to keep sort of marching ahead.” Explained Ashby via Zoom back at home in Victoria.

“Obviously the weather plays a massive factor in what we as a team are a part of. It’s the essence of sailing, of the America’s Cup and this land speed project. So as always we need to embrace that aspect and keep reminding ourselves that what we are doing is bloody hard and a massive challenge. We need to be ready with everything that we can control so that when the stars align on the many aspects that we cannot control we are ready to go.” said Ashby

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