Nautica Italiana presents Marine Industry Market Monitor


28/09/2017 - 14:08

According to estimates made by Deloitte, for 2016 the world wide global market of new boats has a value of 21 billion Euro, recording an increase by 8% versus 2015 (19 billion Euro). The estimate for 2017 of the global new recreational boats market (deliveries) is 22.9 billion Euro, with a growth rate of 11% compared to 2016.

Considering the boat type in the 2016 the inboard & stendrive sector is still the most important and worth 12.3 billion Euro, increasing of 12%; the outboard and inflatable markets are worth 6.2 billion (+6% over 2015), and the sailboat market maintains the value of 2.2 billion Euro.

North America is the most important retail market for Inboard & stendrive (38%), and outboard and inflatable (67%), while Europe is accounting the 23% of the value for inboard & stendrive and the 46% for the sailing retail market.

The 2017 order book of superyachts (units longer than 30 meters) amounts to 314 units, excluding on hold and “ghost” orders, of which 46%are new orders. Power-superyachts represent more than 92% of the total: 291 orders, growing by 10,2% compared to 2016.

In 2017, comparing to the rest of the world, Italy captures 49% share of the overall powersuperyachts sector orders, nonetheless coming to 34% if considered in terms of gross tonnage.

The sailing-superyacht portfolio of orders in 2017 is equal to 23 units, 9 of which are represented by new orders.

“It is very important for Nautica Italiana to present the main highlights of the study made by Deloitte, today on the occasion of the Monaco Yacht Show, where the Italian Superyacht Marine Industry is such an important protagonist - said Lamberto Tacoli, Chairman of Nautica Italiana -. Our leadership is still confirmed and I like to highlight the increasing percentage of new order versus the total portfolio (+11.5% vs +7%), that reveals the vitality of the industry. For the first time this year the study reports the value of the Italian shipyards global production and more implementation will take place over the next years within our project of the “Market Monitor”, developed by Deloitte.”

In 2016, Italy accounted for a value of shipyards production equal to 2.0 billion Euro, 90.4% of which is represented by the inboard and stendrive, 6.5% by sailboats and 3.1% by outboard & inflatable. The Italian boating industry’s outlook is expected to be positive in 2017, with an expected growth of 13% in terms of national value of production (2.3 billion Euro).

“The 2017 market monitor insight confirms the growth of the recreational boating market in 2016, driven by the Italian boating industry which registers a significant increase, reaching a value of shipyards production equal to 2 billion Euro” says Luca Petroni, Chairman of Deloitte Financial Advisory Italy.

Italy still confirms its leadership in the sector of new boats: it is the leading producer of boats at the European level, second in the world, after the US.

“The recreational boating market – notes Tommaso Nastasi, Partner of Business Advisory in Deloitte FA Italy – after the decline of the past years, is going through a relevant recovery phase with an expected growth of +11% in 2017. The challenge for Italian operators is to broaden and diversify the geographical basin of their end-clients”.

“The success of Italian marine Industry is boosted by the 88% of export of the shipyard production – said Lorenzo Pollicardo, Nautica Italiana General Secretary -. Moreover the analysis of the Italian shipyards production also shows how power-superyachts, 20/50 meter length, maxi rib, custom sailboats are the best performing sectors.”

Armando Branchini, Vice Chairman of the Fondazione Altagamma, that gathers the best HighEnd Italian Cultural and Creative Companies to which Nautica Italiana is affiliated to, declares: “The opportunity – as well as the categorical imperative – is to conquer the more privileged and more sophisticated customers, which continue to grow worldwide by 7,2% each year. Just like the whole high-end industry doing”.

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