Table of Experts European Union 2022 Source

Table of Experts European Union 2022 Source

Ebi at European Parliament Committee on Advancing on-water Recreation


05/10/2022 - 09:00

The European Parliament Transport and Tourism Committee held a public hearing on the advancement of on-water recreation and tourism. European Boating Industry was invited, together with some of the most relevant voices of the industry at European level, to participate at the public hearing by the Chair of the Committee, Mrs Karima Delli, to represent the interests of the industry as the European association for the sector.

This public hearing was the first time for the recreational boating industry that a hearing was organised focusing solely on the sector , opening a new door at the highest European political level. 

Philip Easthill, Secretary General of European Boating Industry, introduced EBI to the Members of the European Parliament and presented the situation of the sector in the European Union. He addressed the main issues that make the recreational boating sector one of Europe's hidden champions, while presenting a number of measures needed to take advantage of this thriving European industry. 

Roberto Perocchio, President of Assomarinas, presented the situation of marinas in Europe and their demands, including the need for a common European approach; George Vernicos, Member and Honorary President of the Board of the Hellenic Professional Yacht Owners Association, addressed the future of the charter sector, which looks very promising with the potential to gain even more importance within the European tourism landscape. Nicolas Delaporte, Head of the Tourism division of Voies Navigables de France, presented inland navigation and the type of activities and tourist profiles it brings to destinations, which generates benefits that go beyond the water. 

After the experts' interventions, some MEPs took the opportunity to contribute to the conversation. All the interventions were positive in their approach to recreational boating and on-water tourism. MEPs agreed that nautical tourism is beneficial for all countries that are lucky enough to have it. 
Sustainability and local communities were also on their minds, being recognised as the two key issues that should be at the heart of any action aimed at nautical tourism, including EU funding. Chair Marina Delli expressed concern about superyachts and the negative impact their emissions generate, as well as the problem of their registration and the working conditions of the crew. She wondered what the EU could do to address this issue

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