At Seatec 2023 intense program dedicated to Start Up
At Seatec 2023 intense program dedicated to Start Up
The 2023 edition of Seatec, the exhibition of technology, components, design and subcontracting applied to pleasure boating, conceived and organized by IMM CarraraFiere, the only event dedicated to the sector in Italy and southern Europe, opens the 20th edition of its history, flanked by the 14th edition of Compotec Marine, the International Exhibition of Composites and Related Technologies, the only trade event in Italy entirely dedicated to composite materials, dedicated specifically to composite materials in the nautical world, devotes ample space to Start Ups.
12 Start Ups are concentrated in the Start Up Area, where each taking off company will present its products and ideas through an Elevator Pitch, which will take place on Friday 17 March from 10:00 to 13:00.
Alongside this well-established section of Seatec, exhibitors will be able to participate in the Focus Innovation 2 Business, supported by the Tuscany and Umbria Regional Direction of the Bank Intesa Sanpaolo.
Participants will be able to present their innovative products / services with dedicated Elevator Pitch, taking part to the "Innovation 2 Business" contest which offers: Marketing activities for the company in collaboration with Nautica magazine and a presentation of the company and to connected with the departments that take care of the Innovation in Intesa Sanpaolo: the aim is to support the interaction between Start Ups, Small and Medium Enterprises and large companies by bringing together demand and supply of technology to encourage the creation of partnerships, commercial agreements, technology transfer, investments and acquisitions.