Cantiere delle Marche: keel laying ceremony Project T

Cantiere delle Marche: keel laying ceremony Project T

Cantiere delle Marche: keel laying ceremony Project T


31/03/2022 - 14:08

Cantiere delle Marche has developed a reputation for building cutting-edge explorer yachts that have pushed boundaries in design, efficiency, range. The yard strives to make what is good, even better, and constantly looks to implement innovative ways to keep its leadership in the explorer vessels segment.

The latest project to draw on the yard’s vision and approach is a fully custom one-off explorer yacht that is set to push the boundaries even further and outshine any other yacht in its class: the yacht, as for now, has been named Project T.
The client, a very experienced yacht owner, admires the quality of CdM’s yachts and has decided to have a one-of- a-kind explorer built on his design and specifications by the Ancona-based shipyard.

“The owner will be exploring many destinations around the world,” says Vasco Buonpensiere, co-founder and Sales & Marketing Director of CdM. “He knows what he needs, he is an expert of the yachting market and CdM meets his highly demanding requisites as for construction quality and reliability. His decision to have a yacht built by us, after having been shortlisted together with a Dutch and another Italian shipyard is a matter of pride and we’ll do our best to meet his expectations.”

“From an early stage of project design, I envisioned this yacht and client having a perfect alignment with a particular shipyard, Cantiere Delle Marche”, says broker Frank Grzeszczak Jr, FGI Yacht Group’s Vice President. “Designed and perfected by Giorgio Cassetta over the course of more than one year, our clients demand was to build a timeless design based on quality engineering, livability, functionality, while maximizing interior and exterior guest space,” Grzeszczak maintains. “I would like to thank Vasco Buonpensiere and Carlo Aquilanti of CDM and Giorgio Cassetta for the countless hours of preparation and work put forth to finalize this transaction with the utmost professionalism. I firmly believe this project will set a new standard for projects in this size category and bring many incredible memories for a family who deserves the very best.”

Cantiere delle Marche: keel laying ceremony Project T

Project T is a 45 metre explorer yacht with sleek, rigorous exterior lines penned by Giorgio Maria Cassetta who says: “This project is the outcome of a long and careful refinement work that was carried on, along with the Owners, for more than one year and with many productive design iterations. It is the bold vision of an experienced client made into reality and, in our view, is a statement of essential and pure design, where form and function collaborate closely to offer the best experience to the future lucky users. It makes us proud to know that, with the help of an experience yard such as Cantiere delle Marche, it will see the light. Our gratitude goes to the owners for the continuous trust in our work, to the brokerage company who were instrumental in keeping the process together, and to all actors who played a part in achieving today’s success. We look forward to the day when we will show this new yacht of ours to the world.”

The elegant sheer line of Project T connects an almost vertical bow to an inviting transom with an ample beach area. Large windows on both the Main and Upper deck provide a close connection with the exterior environment. Great attention has been dedicated to life en plein air with large al fresco lounging and dining areas, and wide side passages.
The yacht will host eight guests in four large suites located on the Lower deck. The Owners have reserved for themselves the forward section of the Main deck where a full beam apartment with his and her bathrooms, dressing and adjoining lounging area provide them with an area to relax in total privacy.

With twin Man engines V12-1400, a top speed of 14.5 knots, a range above 4000nm Project T will be not only a beautiful yacht but a very efficient one, too.

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