Fincantieri confirmed as a decarbonization leader
Fincantieri confirmed as a decarbonization leader
For the fourth consecutive year, CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) - a reference independent non-profit organization for environmental reporting - gave Fincantieri an Ascore, placing the Group in the Leadership band. This score is higher than the Europe regional average of B and confirms the strategic centrality of ESG topics in the 2023-2027 Business and Sustainability Plan, which sees the Group on the front lines as an enabler of the green and digital transition for the shipbuilding sector.
Specifically, CDP acknowledged Fincantieri’s commitment to the decarbonization not only of the product and maritime transport, but of the entire production cycle. The targets taken into consideration include a 20% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 2030,
the Net Zero cruise vessel by 2050 - a goal which we also aim to achieve in advance - and obtaining 100% of our electricity from renewable sources (such as hydroelectric, wind and solar) by 2030.
Lastly, CDP recognized the evolutionary acceleration of the multiple initiatives underway, from research and development on alternative fuels and new ship propulsion systems, to production process efficiency gains and optimization at shipyards. CDP assigns scores based on an assessment scale from D (minimum) to A (maximum), evaluating the performance of more than 23 thousand companies in managing and
monitoring the risks and opportunities connected to climate change, in relation to the demands of an extremely broad network of investors, customers and partners representing more than 136 trillion dollars in assets managed.