YARE 2020 | Event postponement to 4-6 november

YARE 2020 | Event postponement to 4-6 november

YARE 2020 | Event postponement to 4-6 november


By Navico
06/03/2020 - 08:31

In light of the developments in the international situation regarding the COVID-19 virus, the Management Board of the organizing company NAVIGO held a meeting for an evaluation and monitoring of the situation.

Tuscany remains a completely safe area for business and tourist travel and the authorities has managed protocols and actions that have been reported among the best in Italy also by medical and scientific institutions.

Despite this, the recent decisions to apply restrictions on flights and travels from foreign countries to Italy do not allow to carry out the 10th edition of YARE to its full potential, not being able to count on the presence of all guests and companies, coming from 23 different European and non-European countries. 
Therefore NAVIGO has decided for a postponement of YARE to 4-6 November 2020.
A difficult choice, as you will understand, but necessary to best meet the needs of all those who believe in YARE together with us.

With your support we will build an even richer edition full of opportunities and contents for the Captains, with a greater visibility for the Companies.
Certain of your understanding and positive evaluation for the postponement, we remain at your disposal for any information

NAVIGO President & General Manager

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